Sunday, 18 November 2012

..and the training begins

We have had the puppies for a total of 4 days and they are both doing incredibly well. Griffin is coming when called and Jedi has gone out on her first trip into the community. We are so pleased with the abilities these dogs have at such a young age already. Here is a video of Griffin coming when called.  He is even doing this with the distraction of Jedi playing with him.  This is so exciting for us!

Today Jedi went on her fist public outing.  We chose a place where there were no other dogs because she has only had her first set of shots.  She attended Autism Ontario's Potential Program, a program for children on the spectrum to practise their social skills while enjoying various activities.  Today's activity was music hosted by Music Mates.

Jedi made new friends at the beginning and then she sat so nicely and watched the wonderful music class.  The drums were loud and the kids were busy.  There was a big parachute that was going up in the air and rubber balls flying all over the place.  Jedi sat so well and was never concerned about anything.  She is a care-free dog which is just perfect for what we need in a service dog.  Her personality matched River's almost identically.


Here she is lying down with her back to all of the action.  She didn't get hyper and she didn't bark even once. 

Here she is very curious about what was going on.  Just watching and being ever-so quiet.

This picture was taken while the drums were going.  They were loud and she loved them.  She watched the kids drum and seemed quite entertained. I think we have a really great dog here and so far after having her for 4 days she is already amazing me.

Commands we are working on...

Right now we are working with both dogs so they get to know their names, and we are giving them time away from each other so we can train individually as well as together.  They are learning "sit", "come", "do busys (for elimination), "Off", and "take it".  Both are doing incredibly well.  Next Sunday Griffin gets his turn to go to music class. 

Oh, and on a different note... a dear friend of ours has tickets for Brian and I to see The Dog Whisperer!  We are looking forward to this even know I have heard mixed reviews on this trainer. It will be a great evening to learn from a professional. :) Thank you Brad and Tanya!


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